You are here: Reports > Job_Costing > JCMGT030 - Job Cost Finished LIsting

JCMGT030 - Job Cost Finished LIsting

Description: Displays the finished jobs summarised by Cost Centre detailing the costs and charges. There are various criteria that can be set.

Report Criteria Enter Required Values

Select Starting Job No

Select from the drop down list

Select Ending Job No

Select from the drop down list

Select Starting Job Group

Select from the drop down list

Select Ending Job Group

Select from the drop down list

Select Starting Job Status

Select from the drop down list

Select Ending Job Status

Select from the drop down list

Select Starting Job Priority

Select from the drop down list
Select Ending Job Priority Select from the drop down list

Select Starting Debtor

Select from the drop down list

Select Ending Debtor

Select from the drop down list

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